New Release Spotlight: Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller

Hi, hello, yes, I loved this book about a genderfluid thief fighting to the death for a spot in a team of the queen’s assassins so they could have a shot at revenge for their family being shattered, and here I am foisting it on you because it is fabulous. Go forth and read the Hunger Games-like craftiness and intensity, Kaz Brekker-ish determination and moral questionability, and utterly charming romance with a queer lady!

Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class and the nobles who destroyed their home.

When Sal Leon steals a poster announcing open auditions for the Left Hand, a powerful collection of the Queen’s personal assassins named for the rings she wears — Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, and Opal — their world changes. They know it’s a chance for a new life.

Except the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. But Sal must survive to put their real reason for auditioning into play: revenge.

Buy it: Amazon * B&N * IndieBound * Book Depository

2 thoughts on “New Release Spotlight: Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller”

  1. How the fuck did I not know about this website? I’m in literal tears! And this book? Amazing! I’m a huge fan of Throne of Glass and I’m getting first book vibes BUT QUEERER
    My mom asked me what book I wanted as my birthday present and I just didn’t know… until now. So thank you thank you thank you! I’ll certainly be coming back 🤗

    1. You are WELCOME! And yes, I haven’t read ToG but I’ve heard they’re very similar! (Also, this is a complete duology now – the second book is also great and it’s called RUIN OF STARS!)

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