Tag Archives: Pride and Prejudice

Fave Five: Queer Reimaginings of 19th Century Literature

For more takes on Pride and Prejudice, click here.

A Clash of Steel by C.B. Lee (YA, Treasure Island)

The Wife in the Attic by Rose Lerner (Jane Eyre)

Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim (YA, The Count of Monte Cristo)

Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur (Pride and Prejudice)

Fresh by Margot Wood (YA, Emma)

Bonus, coming in 2022: Great or Nothing by Joy McCullough, Caroline Tung Richmond, Tess Sharpe, and Jessica Spotswood (YA, Little Women) and Epically Earnest by Molly Horan (YA, The Importance of Being Earnest)

Fave Five: M/M Romance Retellings

First Impressions by Christopher Koehler (Contemporary Pride and Prejudice)

The Secrets of Eden by Brandon Goode (Fantasy Cinderella)

The Uncrossing by Melissa Eastlake (Fantasy Rapunzel)

Peter Darling by Austin Chant (Fantasy Peter Pan)

Rabi and Matthew by L.A. Witt (Contemporary Romeo & Juliet)


Backlist Book of the Month: First Impressions by Christopher Koehler

Something you may have picked up about me is that I’m super intrigued by retellings, so I talk about them a lot. This book was actually the very first queer one I ever read, and one of my first m/m books ever, too! It’s a super fun, modern Pride and Prejudice, so if gaying up Jane Austen is your jam, make sure you check this one out!

The first time Henry Hughes and Cameron Jameson meet, it’s an unmitigated disaster. Cameron reminds Henry of all he left behind when he stopped making adult films, and he cruelly rejects Cameron. When Cameron discovers Henry’s porno-thespian past, he assumes he’s dodged a bullet.

But circumstances continue to throw the two together. Though the physical attraction between them grows, they cling to first impressions, even as a slow dance reveals just how good they could be.

Henry finally realizes how wrong he was, but Cameron can’t cope with “sleeping with the enemy.” It will take a confrontation for Cameron to realize just how wrong he’s been, but unfortunately, he may have lost his chance.

Buy it: Dreampinner * Amazon * B&N * iBooks