Tag Archives: Romeo & Juliet

Fave Five: Shakesqueer, Part II

For part I, click here.

Teach the Torches to Burn by Caleb Roehrig (historical m/m YA Romeo & Juliet)

Twelfth Grade Night by Molly Horton Booth (text), Stephanie Kate Strohm (text), and Jamie Green (art) (contemporary YA fantasy graphic novel Twelfth Night)

Ben and Beatriz by Katalina Gamarra (pan m/f contemp rom Much Ado About Nothing)

The Death I Gave Him by Em X. Liu (sci-fi thriller Hamlet)

Two Wrongs Make a Right by Chloe Liese (pan m/f contemp rom Much Ado About Nothing)

Bonus: The followup to Twelfth Grade NightKing Cheer (contemporary YA graphic novel King Lear), releases in October.

Fave Five: M/M Romance Retellings

First Impressions by Christopher Koehler (Contemporary Pride and Prejudice)

The Secrets of Eden by Brandon Goode (Fantasy Cinderella)

The Uncrossing by Melissa Eastlake (Fantasy Rapunzel)

Peter Darling by Austin Chant (Fantasy Peter Pan)

Rabi and Matthew by L.A. Witt (Contemporary Romeo & Juliet)


Exclusive Cover Reveal: Rom and Yuli by Amara Lynn

True fact: I get a lot of requests for angel/demon books on the LGBTQReads Tumblr, so how utterly delightful is it to be revealing the cover for one on the site today?? Rom and Yuli by Amara Lynn is a post-apocalyptic urban fantasy novella take on Romeo & Juliet with a male/non-binary pairing, which sounds pretty freaking cool. Wanna learn more about it? Good news: here’s the blurb!

A war between angels and demons has left Earth desolate and ruined.

Rom struggles to support his father and sister in the patch of wasteland they’ve claimed as home. Feeling restless, Rom takes to exploring when he can, and is shocked when he stumbles across another survivor.

Years of isolation have left Yuli feeling despondent. That all changes when they encounter Rom, who is unlike anyone they’ve met before, a brilliant light of hope in this mostly extinguished world.

As Rom and Yuli grow closer, both gain a renewed hope for something more in this desolate land.

But in this dangerous world, trust comes hard and demons are never far away.

And here’s the cover, designed by the author!

Pre-order: Amazon | Gumroad | Add to Goodreads

Amara Lynn has always been a quiet daydreamer. Coming up with characters and worlds since childhood, Amara eventually found an outlet in writing. Amara loves anything to do with pirates, villains and superheroes, angels and demons.

Amara is addicted to music and gets the most inspiration from moving songs and lyrics. When not writing, Amara usually reads, listens to podcasts, watches anime, plays a video game here and there (but mostly collects them), and takes way too many cat pictures.

Amara is non-binary/enby and queer and uses they/them pronouns.