Tag Archives: K.R. Alexander

Fave Five: Queer MG/YA Set at Magic School

Gallowgate by K.R. Alexander (MG)

It Ends in Fire by Andrew Shvarts (YA)

Scholars and Sorcery series by Eleanor Beresford (YA)

A Hundred Vicious Turns by Lee Paige O’Brien (YA)

My Name is Magic by Xan van Rooyen (YA)

Bonus: These are all prose novels, but for a YA graphic novel set at a magical culinary school, check out Basil and Oregano by Melissa Capriglione

Double Bonus: The anthology The Grimoire of Grave Fates ed. by Hanna Alkaf and Margaret Owens is set at a magic school and has plenty of queer content


Most Anticipated Middle Grade: July-December 2023

The Showdown by Jessica Burkhart (July 25th)

This is the second book in the Saddlehill Academy series

Now that Abby knows which of her so-called friends is the one behind the video of her talking “trash” on Emery, she’d love to do something with that information—if only her blackmailer didn’t know Abby’s one real secret, the one she can’t risk getting out. So, Abby’s stuck. And, to make matters worse, she’s so rattled by the drama that it’s affecting her performance on Beau. Abby wants to be as great a rider as Sasha Silver, but how can she do that when she’s making rookie mistakes?

When tensions come to a head, Abby’s score at the shows isn’t the only thing in jeopardy—so is her place on the team.

Buy it: Bookshop | Amazon

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